The Wolf Who Bit Herself

The Wolf Who Bit Herself


If you are prone to self punishment I hope my story can help you along your way. Here is my journey of self therapy and self examination, where tried to figure out why I hated myself. Why I self punished. Eventually, I traced it back to two things: Anger and Love.

Beating myself, but why?

I’d been trying to figure out why I have a history of beating myself up. Why I mentally berated and punished myself for many years. Starting as a small child. After a lot of soul searching (and interrogating my dad about what I was like as a five-year-old) I concluded that the reason behind my self-punishment was multi-layered. But I also realised all those layers came back to Dabrowski’s theories.

My innate need to achieve, particularly at intellectual endeavours like school – overexcitabilities. My tendency to freak out at any mistake made – a socialisation from my mother. But there was something else at work, and it took me a long time to figure out this last piece of the puzzle.

Eventually I realised what it was – I was the wolf who bit myself.

The biting child

Dabrowski would probably call my aggressive tendencies a manifestation of my “lower” self. My parents would have agreed. “Don’t hit back”. “Turn the other cheek”. “Be nice”. “Young ladies don’t…” But that in itself was social conditioning.

I couldn’t help it. I got angry about shit. Even as a little one. I saw things in life that pissed me off. Noticed things other kids probably didn’t. Felt injustices at a level I wasn’t supposed to. The problem was that with no way to externalise my anger, I turned it on myself.

As a small child, my inner psychic milieu wasn’t developed enough to effectively deal with anger. Anger I felt at being unable to defeat life to my liking. Anger at the way the world “was”, and why it wasn’t “what it ought to be”. So, I took it all out on the one person I could get away with – me.

The bitten wolf

As I got older, I learned how to deal with anger, disappointment, and all sorts of other negative emotions. But behaviourally, the damage was done. After a while, I couldn’t even remember why I continually punished myself. It just became “who I was”. What’s worse, no one had really tried to stop me doing it.

In the process of unwinding the behaviour, I started to nail down the root causes, but it took me a while to figure out that my own aggression fit into this picture. It took me even longer to figure out what to do about it, because I was afraid. Would forgiving myself bring back the anger? Let the beast out of the cage? This fear was a sign that my work wasn’t complete yet. Something else was at play. Because if I’m worried that my behaviour could revert, then it meant my understanding was incomplete.

Lessons in love

The epiphany that handed me the aggression key came first, and when I posted about this on Facebook, I thought the anger thing was the bottom of it all. But it wasn’t. There was still one last root cause to be dug up out of my psyche. And deep down I knew it. Somewhere in my heart I knew I wasn’t done.

Really, I should have seen it earlier, because this one thing is at the heart of everything in the universe, as far as I can understand it.

Love. The greatest power there is.

It may sound a little narcissistic, but I have an enormous capacity for love. And in that capacity, I also have an enormous need to be loved. But an early age I developed an understanding about love – for most people, is not infinite. I don’t know where this stemmed from. Perhaps it was my Christian upbringing? God loves you, sure, but if you piss him off enough, he’s quite willing to send you to an eternity of fiery torment. Even God, the supposed source of love, has his limits.

When my parents divorced, it cemented the lesson. They were concerned I might blame myself for the splitting apart of our little family. But that was not the case. I didn’t blame myself – I knew enough to understand this issue was between them, but it also taught me that human love has limits. Timelines. Expiry dates. It can be broken. It can end. “Till death do us part” was apparently not a thing. “Till we become angry at each other and stop loving each other” was more appropriate.

The fear of failing the pack

Therefore, any wrongdoing, any misstep, has the capability of eroding someone’s love for you. That fact terrified me, because I needed desperately to be loved. So, everything I did wrong, I beat myself up for. The wolf continued to bite herself. Punish herself. Not just out of anger, but out of fear. Fear of not being loved. The way I saw it – each blunder, each error, risked driving people away from me. People were happy when we behaved. When we succeeded. When we were a ‘good girl’. When we misbehaved, they became angry. Upset. Unloving.

I have an overwhelming need for acceptance. A horrible drive to please. To fit in. To not be ‘cast out’. A crippling fear of being alone. And a burning desire to feel love and happiness. The intensity of my emotions, the disquiet in my soul, the need to be who I thought I ought to be, the need to fit in, and the heavy weight of the social conditioning – Dabrowski probably could have seen it all in me immediately.

The nature of the wolf

The fact I have stopped biting myself all the time, and have come to forgive myself for my behaviour, doesn’t negate my wolfish nature. It doesn’t stop anger. It doesn’t stop the desire to feel loved. But the truth of the matter is, that properly directed and managed by my inner psychic milieu, my inner wolf could be a source of strength.

Anger at the wrongs in the world are what drive us to make them right. Seek justice. Make the world a better place. And love? Well, that’s a power beyond compare. Limitless. Trying to love myself for who I am, trying to freeing myself from a need for external validation, and working towards trusting that I am worthy of the love of others, all leads me closer to being my authentic self. More to the point, it leads me controlling my tendencies to bite.

So now my new mission becomes this: stop biting indiscriminately and learn to hunt. Focus my feelings via my inner psychic milieu, and rather than turn it those feelings against myself, turn them outward into something productive. Hunt – for the greater good of the pack…

3 thoughts on “The Wolf Who Bit Herself

  1. LOOOOOOOOOL this is exactly my problem sooo too. I forget millions of things about myself, I have over 30 mental disoders and trapped in a toxic household, bpd and so on… It is honestly insane, I used to be anxious about things like painful death, now this is joke to me, after what I have been through. Maybe only couple people could related, but still you can’t communicate qualia to other people… It is so isolating, I won’t be ever able to communicate this to anyone… Well maybe in far far future…

    1. I received a great piece of advice once – “Not everyone will understand you fully, but that’s OK. They don’t need to understand everything about you to love you.”

      Knowing that’s it’s difficult to understand yourself fully, I’ve stopped trying to get people to understand me completely, because it’s near on impossible. I focus now on trying to understand myself better, and try at all all turns to love myself, and love others as they are. Fostering good relationships with people (and myself) seems much more achievable…

  2. Yeah, I got better after talking to person with IQ 150+ But still I Am million light years in abyss. I have chronic pain and my cancer narcistic mom doesn’t even help me absolutely anything… I have no friends, I Am isolated 9 years which is not healthy! And I have so many problems and no one helps me with anything, so tough even smallest things… I will have probably lifetime chronic pain she doesn’t care at all… I Am starting to accept it and move on, I will rather help myself with everything, I will be demented for rest of my live with chronic pain so fun, because no one helps me with anything… Don’t even care anymore, it will be how it will be…I can only try my best… Tho I need learning 24/7 otherwise I become bored, which is worse than torture. I need to get healthy ASAP, but it is so tough, whole day is enduring pain every second only while trying to do small stuff. I need to listed 3 hours to relaxing music and aromatherapy and I put my legs into salty water and still it doesn’t go fully away…

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