Personal Stories

Welcome to my closet full of skeletons…

The Secret Life of My Authentic Self

On Life with OE, Struggle, TPD and Discovering Self.

The struggle of keeping my ‘hurricane brain’ under control… until I discovered overexcitability and set my authentic self free, thanks to finding Dabrowski. This is basically the story of how I discovered TPD and the difference it made to my life.

The Wolf Who Bit Herself

On Internalised Anger, Love and Self Punishment

There’s a reason why I continually punished myself, but it was far more complicated than I first thought… A look at internalised anger and a need to be loved, and how my inner psychic milieu might hold the key to taming my ‘inner wolf’.

The Sobering Truth in the Looking Glass

On Sobriety and Substance Use

The journey towards sobriety hasn’t been easy, particularly when it comes to alcohol. I look at how Dabrowski’s theories tie in to my substance issues.

The Shame of a Socialised Body

On Body Image, Socialisation, and Shame

I take a look at the source of my negative body image, talk about how I turned it around, and how I realised how Dabrowski’s lessons on socialisation played an important part in the process.

The Tragedy of Fluffy the Hamster

On Intensity, Emotions and Empathy

The story of how a post on social media about a traumatised hamster caused me to have a meltdown, reassess mental health, and learn a valuable lesson about empathy and emotional sensitivity.

The Beauty of Imperfect Self Care

On Self Care and Authenticity

Is the self care we see on social media really effective? Does it help us on the path to authenticity? I reflect on the Instagram obsession with flouting self care routines, and they could actually be counterproductive to real growth.

The Goals of the Soul

On Authenticity and Development

Are you focussed on having things in the physical world, or are you striving to become who you ought to be in your heart? Maybe it’s time you made yourself some ‘Soul Goals’…