Lived Experience

This section of the website contains my hacks and tips from my own development and self therapy exercises, blogs which capture my learnings about myself and how my experiences relate to the theory, and some very personal reflections.

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Self Development

My autopsychotherapy (self therapy) hacks, tips, and principles which may help you with your own development. There are blogs and videos which cover everything from ways I conduct my own development, to my learnings on communication, relationships, and self-analysis.

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OE Life

Videos which contain my hacks specifically related to overexcitability, and managing and mitigating some of the tricker aspects of life with OE. Gifted and Neurodivergent people might find this useful!

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My Experiences

In this section, I used my self as a case study, and go into depth on some of my self therapy exercises. You get to see some of the exercises in action, with full examples, and see how they impact my thinking and growth

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Personal Stories

This is where we delve deep and personal. Like an intimate snap-shot from my disintegration diary, it reveals some of my fears, issues, learnings, feelings, and thoughts, and how they relate to the theory.

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