Self Development Strategies

My best hacks for self therapy

My Autopsychotherapy Toolkit

HACKS: What is autopsychotherapy, and how do you do it?
A look at Dabrowski’s key dynamism of self therapy that allows us to resolve inner conflict, and deal with the process of disintegration. I share my personal autopsychotherapy toolkit and how I use conflict to transform moments of crisis into ways to becoming more of my authentic self.

Four Journaling Principles

HACKS: Autopsychotherapy  journaling disciplines.
Journaling is a important part of working on yourself, but some of the advice on ‘how to journal’ doesn’t work for me. I share my four over-arching principles that help me get the most out of my journaling and self therapy time.

Meltdown Magic

HACKS: Making the Most of a Stressful Situation.
I share how I make constructive use of those times when I’m throwing a complete emotional wobbly. By seeing the bright side and benefits of inner crisis, it helps me transform meltdowns into transformational magic!

Are You A Thought Dancer?

HACKS: Managing rapid ideation and trains of thought.
Are you prone to rapid ideation, or ‘stream of consciousness’ epiphanies? Have you been told by others your thoughts are “too much” when you try to share those exciting new ideas? Here’s a way to make use of those brilliant ideas, without making life difficult for others. Good advice for anyone who is gifted or neurodivergent, and shares their brain dumps at light speed. 

Navigating Difficult Conversations

HACKS: When Talking to People is Painful
Do you feel misunderstood, or find talking to other people can be a painful experience? I give my best communication hacks for avoiding arguments, misunderstandings, and awkward moments. Relationships are key in positive disintegration, so good communication is a must!

Mindfulness, Perspective, and the Cosmic Pocket

HACKS: Controlling Emotions in the Moment
Ever had really big emotions at a really inconvenient time? I show how I use a quick mindfulness exercise to put big drama into my ‘Cosmic Pocket’ so I can take it away and deal with it later. Learn how I store  inner crisis temporarily until I can give it my full attention.

Aligning Actions to Values

There’s not much point in going through disintegrations or understanding the theory, if you don’t WALK YOUR TALK. If you’re serious about personality growth, and living authentically, you should be just as serious about behavioural change.

I use a process flow called “Pedro Pascal’s Kittens of Theological Uncertainty” to help me think about how I will behave in the afterlife…

Disintegrating in a Relationship

When you’re disintegrating, it doesn’t just affect you. I talk about the impacts a disintegration can have on a relationship, and how you might want to approach talking about your experiences to your partner. Communication ideas and tips.

Art in Development

This video explores five benefits of using art as a tool in personality growth, and discusses the role of creativity in positive disintegration. Plus you get to watch me finger-paint to music. True story.

New Approach to CBT

Have you ever tried Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and found that it just doesn’t work? By by putting CBT into a process flow and filling the gaps, we can beat negative thought patterns with a better success rate!